Thursday, January 3, 2013

How Could He ?

They spot me and I quickly get up while dodging a few throwing knifes and arrows. I find a tree and quickly climb it to get away from the others. They attempt to climb the tree but Peeta instructs them to leave me alone stating I'll get tired and have to come down eventually. I tie myself to the tree as they camp out underneath me. I try to stay awake but the next morning I wake to someone trying to get my attention. I check below me and they're all asleep. I look to my side and it's a young girl pointing at something above me. I look and it seems to be a wasp nest of some sort. It's most definitly the capitols tracker jackers. They're the wasp-like creatures the capitol makes in their labs. They're bigger than the ordinary wasp and far more deadly. I soon start to cut away at the branch in order for it to fall onto the other which will leave enough time for me to make my escape. The nest falls and everybody wakes up and begins running away. That was my chance to escape. That girl really saved my life.

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