Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Journal Entry

     I was reading the newspaper today and I came across an article saying a guy was denied to be ranked as an Eagle in Boy Scouts. I just don't understand how someones sexuality can prevent them from being in a group, but then any of us can be picked to fight to death. We don't get discriminated on anything. People are choosing who can be in a group while we are forced to come here.
     The Boy Scouts should be ashamed at what they are sending out to the kids of the world. They are basically telling kids if you are a certain way then you can not be what you want to be. Everyone should be who they are and be able to do what they want. I wish I could be doing whatever I please, but I'm here fighting because this society is ridiculous.
     The fact that the world cares more about sexuality then right and wrong is the worse part about it. If we care more about things that really mattered, maybe I wouldn't be here fighting for my life.. None of us would be here, we would be with our families, where every child should be at. And this young man wouldn't be getting denied for something he wants to be just because he is gay. It's just not right!

Martinez, Michael, and Amanda Watts. "Gay Scout's Request for Eagle Rank Rejected." CNN. Cable News Network, 08 Jan. 2013. Web. 08 Jan. 2013.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Argumentative: Suicide

            I honestly do not think that it is fair that here, in District 12, we have to fight for our lives. Yet, in other places such as the U.S, people are killing themselves. They're taking their lives for granted. Here you have kids and adults who all cherish every second they live and some that may be starving but, they get through it. Yes, I understand, they were stressed, hurt, unspoken, misunderstood, but they have to understand a life is something that is given to you and it is not your job to take it away. The New York Times states that since the start of the recession, suicide rates increased. Yes, I know, you lost your job, times are hard, you barely have any money to provide for your family. But, try living out here. I deal with the same problems as you and probably three times harsher than what you deal with but you don't see me out here killing myself. See I have something to live for, my sister Prim. So if you could think of one possible thing to keep living such as, hope that the days will soon get better, you to will have a reason to live. Don't get me wrong, I feel your pain, but suicide is the wrong way to go to. In fact, I see it as the easy way out. Work for what you want, don't just kill yourself and give up just because things aren't being handed to you. You have to remember life isn't easy but, it's definitly worth the experience.
Carey, Benedict. "Increase Seen In Suicide Rate Since Recession." The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Nov. 2012. Web. 07 Jan. 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/05/health/us-suicide-rate-rose-during-recession-study-finds.html?_r=0

Sunday, January 6, 2013

District 12: Winners

Once we heard the announcement we dropped the berries and we completely relieved. This means a lot to district 12 and not only that, I'll be reunited with Prim, my mom and Gale. The Capitol will also provide my district with food and water for a year and Peeta and I will be noticed as heros.

The Final Two

Peeta and I have made it to the end, it's only us. We went back towards the lake, then we heard an annoucement saying that there could only be one winner. We both pulled are weapons out but couldn't kill eachother. I gave Peeta some poison berries and I held some in my head, we held them out to show exactly what we were doing. I knew that they wouldn't let the competition have no winner. As we put the berries near our mouth we hear Claudious yelling "Stop ! you are both the winner of the Hunger Games!"

Getting Closer to the End

I see Cato running towards us but he doesn't stop he runs right past us. Then I look back to see what it was and I ran behind him. I couldnt tell what these creatures were. We began climbling up a tree, Peeta still needed help with his hurt leg. I shoot some of the creatures to give him some time. Then I realized they each represented one of the dead tributes. S I'm struggling to help Peeta, Cato grabs Peeta and puts him in a headlock. I see that cato has on armour and the only thing open is his head. I managed to mark an "X" on his hand. So I aimed and shoot, he lets Peeta go and falls to the ground. The creatures attack him and to end his miserary I shoot him in the head as the creatures continue to feed.


I kiss Peeta good-bye and head off to Cornucopia to recieve our bag. I hide behind a bush and see Foxface sneak her bag and I wait for my chance. I begin to run toward my bag and hear a knife to my side. I try to fight the girl off and right before she was nearly able to kill me the boy from district 11 came and saved my life. He said it was because I looked out for rue, which was his partner. I grab my bag and run back in the woods and rub the medicine on Peetas leg. He returns the favor and rubs the medicine on a cut across my face. I kiss him again for the audience and cuddle in his arms and fall asleep with the hope that tomorrow would be a better day and hopefully tomorrow would be the last day.

The Next Day

The next day I examine Peeta's leg and notice that It is getting worse. Peeta sees I haven't slept in days and tells me to get some rest. He promises me he'll keep watch while I sleep. I soon wake up to the sound of a trumpet and another announcement. The announcement states how there will be something each district needs at Cornucopica the next morning. I hope for our sake that it's the medicined needed to cure Peeta and already start plotting my plan to get to it. Peeta doesn't want me to go but I have to in order for him to live. We soon recieve another gift from Haymitch which, to my knowledge, is sleeping medicine and I know exactly what Haymitch wants me to use it for. I mix in some crushed berries and feed it to Peeta and in less than a few minutes he falls alseep. Now it's my time to leave. I have to save him.