Monday, December 31, 2012

First Day of Battle

I said my last good-bye to Cinna before a platform was to raise me to the "battle grounds". After I  reached the top I looked all around me. We all stood on a stump thing at least a foot from the ground. My heart racing knowing that as soon as the bell sounds, that could be the last minute I'm alive. I saw a bow and arrow by a tent and I was thinking about was how could I get ther first. Peeta looks at me and shakes his head no. I hesisitated once the bell rung and it was every man for themselve. Everything was caotic and I managed to dodge a few people and had to fight off one. I ran straight to the bread and I had to fight with a boy for an orange sack. He then got stabbed with a knife. I ran to the woods to get away from everyone as fast as I could. When I woke up, I saw the faces of the survivors left. I was glad that Peeta made it!

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